My whole life I struggled with motivation. I procrastinated a lot and got through a lot of tasks by the seat of my pants! But today, as I continue to balance out on my medications, I'm finding some real motivation to do something serious. I'm going to go back to school! I'm going to take a phlebotomy class and get a job that can provide a better lifestyle for my family.
This little girl is my motivation. I love her more than I've ever loved before. The moment she was plopped in my lap I knew what I was meant to do, provide for this child.
That doesn't mean it isn't hard to be motivated. I still struggle to actually get off my butt and seek better opportunities. It seems that despite knowing it's a situation that's better for my family, I'm still unsure of the future.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"
I've come to think that it might just be fear that spurns a lack of motivation. Don't quote me on that though. So here I am trying to give advice to all of you and I'm not sure what to say. I know that fear seems to motivate my lack of motivation (haha) so maybe if you conquer your fears you'll find a lot of motivation to do the things that are important in your lives as well. The truth is that life is too short to sit around thinking about what we want instead of doing whatever we can to grasp it and let it thrive. I know my life is too short for that. And I believe God wants me to live a full life, and He wants you to live a full life!
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sometimes I think we are unmotivated because the tried and true is SAFE...often times we do not like to take risks...so we hover in a buffer area....