Today was the first time I went to work in nearly 5 weeks. I wasn't on vacation. I wasn't spending quality time with family. I was in a bad place mentally. But today I'm in a good place.
I was nervous about going back to work. What would I do if I got yelled at by an angry customer? Or scolded by a superior? I didn't know how I'd react. Well, the day went pretty well. My coworkers were warm and friendly, the patients were nice and calm.
Despite that I still left the place feeling emotionally drained. I came home and snapped at my husband. I didn't want to do that. I wanted to come home bringing in the good mood I had been in most of the day. But I was drained. I guess I can only give so much before I need a break. Still, I feel optimistic about the days to come. I was never meant to sit on my butt for a living and I like working, and I love coming home to my daughter.
I just want to say an extra special thank you to all of my friends and family who have gotten me through this difficult time. Your love and patience has made the difference in my recovery. I love you!
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory
Psalms 73:24
I am glad you are working....