Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bring Bipolar

Being bipolar to me means a lot of things. It means I'm not like most people. It means there aren't a lot of people I can relate to. It means a lot of medications. It means things and situations change quickly and frequently. Luckily for me, however, it doesn't mean loneliness. I have my family, including my amazing husband and beautiful daughter. Above all, I also have the unconditional love of my Almighty God. It's not easy for my husband to love and support me because when I'm at my worst, I'm terrible to him and I'm probably suicidal. He must be a great man to endure the pain I put him through.

If you know someone that's bipolar you probably have a lot of frustration trying to reach them or support them, or especially understand them. As a bipolar person I know it's just as hard for us to connect with you as it is you with us. I can't speak for everyone, but for me, the fact alone that you want to understand means the world. There are a few things you can do to relate to me and support me.

First, it's very important to know that I feel like you can't understand me. I don't believe that's true, but sometimes I feel that way anyway. Now, I would never minimize anyone's emotions or sufferings, but, if you suffer from one mental illness it's not the same as what a bipolar person goes through. Sometimes I don't like hearing about you and your problem. That's not an absolute though because I really do enjoy talking with someone who's also experienced depression or anxiety. I know that's kind of a mixed message but what you should get from it is the tool: timing. Sometimes we need empathy, sometimes we need to vent, sometimes we just need to internalize (which we all know can many times be unhealthy). Sounds a lot like anyone, doesn't it? That's because we're not freaks, we're humans with emotions.

So what can you do for your bipolar loved one? Support them, love them, and never stop trying to understand them no matter how frustrating it may be.


" For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth." Psalm 71 : 5


  1. ...for you ARE my hope, O Sovereign Lord !

    Thank you for this honesty, Elana !
